Capitalize on Back-to-School Season with a Co-parent Check-In

Two children riding on their parents' backs.

Summer has come to a close and we are in the thick of back-to-school season. For most parents, this time usually offers a mixture of excitement and some chaos with buying school supplies and transitioning kids to more structured routines.

For co-parents, back-to-school can entail all of that and more. For example, many co-parents have different custody schedules for summer versus the school year requiring some adjusting. There are co-parents that haven’t seen their kiddos for the entire summer, and now their children are back for the school year having forgotten household expectations that parents have to reteach. On top of learning new teacher names and class schedules, that’s a lot of change for kids and their parents to navigate. 

Nevertheless, what I have always loved about the first day of school since childhood and still appreciate now as a parent is a fresh start. During this season, your students, and you as co-parents, can set new goals and reflect on opportunities for improvement with a refreshed, post-summer perspective. 

In fact, now is the perfect time to take a moment to check in with your co-parent and assess how things are going with your kids and your co-parenting dynamic. This can be a great opportunity to address any concerns, make adjustments to your co-parenting plan, and ensure that your children are feeling happy and supported. Let’s call it a Back-to-School Co-parent Check-in.

Here are a few things to consider for your check-in:

  • How are your kids adjusting? Are they excited about the new school year, or are they feeling nervous or anxious? Talk to your co-parent about their feelings and see if there's anything you can do to help them transition smoothly.

  • Are there any changes to your co-parenting schedule? If your kids' schedules have changed, make sure you and your co-parent are on the same page about drop-off and pick-up times, extracurricular activities, and other arrangements. It could be a good time to review your co-parenting plan to make sure you’re current

  • How is your co-parenting relationship? Take this opportunity to reflect on your co-parenting dynamic. Acknowledge what you’ve collectively been doing well. Give the other parent recognition for small or big contributions. Are you communicating effectively? Are you able to resolve conflicts peacefully? If there are any issues, now is the time to address them, respectfully.

  • What are your goals for the upcoming school year? Set some goals for your children's academic and personal development. Maybe they need a tutor this year or need extra support at home on time management. Discuss these goals with your co-parent and make sure you're both working towards the same objectives.

Now before you have this check-in, take a look at our 7 recommendations for ensuring a healthy, productive conversation with your co-parent that’s children-centered.

By taking the time to check in with your co-parent, you can ensure that your children are getting the support they need to thrive. Now go kick this school year off right! I believe in you. 

Your Co-parent Coach and Cheerleader,

Sydney Swonigan


7 Tips for Healthy Co-parent Communication