Exes & Babies uplifts and up-levels the co-parenting community to inspire positive relationships within blended families.

Adama, Dior’s dad (left), Dior (middle), Sydney, Dior’s mom (right). Co-parents Adama and Sydney holding their son up on their shoulders between them.

Pictured: Adama, Dior’s dad (left), Dior (middle), Sydney, Dior’s mom (right)

Meet Team Dior

When my child's father and I broke up years ago, we decided to define ourselves as a team with a common goal: raising a happy, whole child named Dior. We call ourselves Team Dior.

Just like our team name and this photo of us holding up our son together, we center our interactions around Dior.  We are also intentional about defining our boundaries and desired team culture. That's our secret sauce. Less headaches for us! Yay!

I'm on a mission to turn babymamas and babydaddies into MVPs on the teams that matter most. Our children deserve it.

So, what's your team name?

With so much love,

Sydney Swonigan, CPCC
CEO and Co-parent Coach, Exes & Babies