Help Us Reimagine

Join the movement

Donate to Exes & Babies today and help us create a world where healthy co-parenting is the norm, not the exception.

Exes & Babies is more than just an organization – it's a community. We're building a future where co-parents thrive, and where children benefit from healthy, supportive relationships with both parents.

But we can't do it without you.

Contributions to Exes & Babies are facilitated by our fiscal sponsor, Northwest Film Forum, a 501(c)3 nonprofit.

Donations can be made through multiple means:

  • Click the “Donate Now” button to make your contribution via PayPal

  • Donate via donor advised funds through services such as Fidelity or Charles Schwab

  • Donate using employer matching gift programs. Examples of companies with matching gift programs are Microsoft, Boeing, Adobe, AT&T, Gates Foundation, etc.

Why donate?

  • Empower Co-parents: Your contribution will allow us to continue programs such as coaching services, and our AMAZING podcast, all designed to equip co-parents with the tools they need to navigate separation and build a strong co-parenting team.

  • Shift the Narrative: We're challenging stereotypes and showing the world that co-parenting can be successful and fulfilling. With your help, we can rewrite the story of divorce and blended families.

  • Invest in the Future: Strong co-parenting relationships benefit not just the parents involved, but more importantly, the children. By supporting Exes & Babies, you're investing in a generation of well-adjusted, happy kids.

Every Dollar You Donate Makes a Difference

  • Develop New Programs: We're constantly innovating, creating new resources and events to meet the evolving needs of co-parents.

  • Expand Our Reach: We aim to empower co-parents everywhere. Your support helps us reach a wider audience and offer our resources in more communities.

  • Keep Our Services Accessible: We believe everyone deserves access to co-parenting support, regardless of financial situation. Thanks to your generosity, we can offer sliding-scale fees.

Contact us with questions!